Globalize Your Listings with Powerful Marketing Technology and Expert Translation from Real-Buzz!

Did you know that over half of all facebook users do not use facebook in english?
That's over 300 million prospects you will never reach Without a globalized social media presence.

View facebook app


Provided to you as a member benefit of RAPB + GFLR!

  • More than half of all Facebook members do not use English in Facebook
  • Don't miss out on 300 million prospects!
  • Reach them all when you globalize your networking and marketing in Facebook using the Facebook App
  • The Immobel Facebook app puts a custom 18 language listing search right on your own Facebook business Page!

Click here to see it Live!

IDX-Buzz, the facebook idx gives you:

  • Your whole MLS, branded to you right on your Facebook business page
  • Facebook users search, save, "Like" and share your listings in 18 languages
  • Listing Alerts are posted right to the Facebook wall of your leads
  • Your listings are seen, liked and shared by their networks
  • Wherever your listings go, your branding and contact info goes along!
Would you like to upgrade to facebook idx and display your entire mls branded to you?

$19.99 per month Get it now!


$199 per year! for agents Get it now!

Facebook App is FREE! to all RAPB + GFLR Members

Go Global

Deploy your local expertise on a global scale. Immobel's translation technology and interactive listings directory allows Facebook users worldwide to search your properties in their own languages. More than 300 million Facebook users speak no English - Show sellers that you have truly global reach and never miss this huge market of potential foreign buyers again!

Get Social

Supercharge your social media presence and turn your Facebook business page into a powerful marketing tool with global reach.

Turn Facebook Users Into Clients

Post your listings as alerts that appear right on the news feeds of your potential clients.