Vicky Redrick
Redrick Realty & Associates
许可证编号: 0544917
电话: 469-223-0254
手机: 469-223-0254
传真: 972-692-0993
Desoto, Texas 75115
12470 Harvest Meadow Drive, Frisco, 得克萨斯州 75033, 美国
开价: $4,890,900
每平方米售价: 6,318.44 $
状态: ACT
MLS#: 20568392
房地产类型: 住宅出售, 独户
面积: 8,332 平方英尺 (774.043 米2)
土地面积: 0.68 英亩 (0.28 公顷)
  • 5 个卧室
  • 5个全套卫浴
  • 3个半套卫浴
  • 2 个餐厅
2024 建造年份:
独立屋 房地产类型:
法国风格 风格:
灰泥 室外描述:
建造中 屋况:
慢跑/脚踏车小径 区域设施:
冰箱,内置式冰箱,内置式冰酒器,洗碗机,微波炉,燃气炉灶,电烤箱,双烤箱,温菜抽屉,通风排气扇 电器设备:
4 壁炉数:
燃木式 壁炉描述:
有顶露台,阁楼,多座楼梯,车库 房地产特征:
干酒吧,吧台,镶板 室内描述:
地毯,瓷砖,木地板 地板:
防盗窗闩,自有防盗警报器,消防洒水器 安全特色:
独立燃气表,独立水表 水电煤气:
中央,天然气,电能,壁炉 暖气系统:
中央,电能,吊扇 冷气系统:
宽带上网 电信:
路缘 地段描述:
混凝土板 地下室和地基详情:
合成材料 屋顶材料:
砖墙,木地板 围栏:
绿化带,游乐场,俱乐部会所,周边围栏,入口设有门卫,社区邮箱 协会/社区特点描述:
停车位 / 车库
有棚停车场 停车类型:
4 车库车位数:
23 x 45 尺寸车库:
附带车库,高尔夫球车车库,超大型,自动车库门遥控器 车库描述:
1 车棚停车位数目:
粘土,黑土 土壤类形:
Frisco ISD 学区:
Newman 小学:
Memorial 高中:
Trent 中学:
Remarkable home in the destination community of Newman Village. This home and two remaining lots will end this grand neighborhood. Historically focused Architecture has created streets of dreams the are the creme de la creme of Frisco. This 7942 Sq. Ft. * 5 Bedroom * 5.3 Bath * 4 car garage * Formal Dining Room w. Fireplace & Study w. matching Fireplaces for grand entrance is a rare gem. Refrigerated Wine Display, lg. serving bar and butlers pantry for large events. Lg. Catering kitchen connects to pantry for mobility. The kitchen 10 x 5 ft. island is the centerpiece for the large open kitchen + morning room + family room which flows seamlessly to the outdoor living with a separate outdoor grilling station, fireplace ceiling heaters for year round living. The Porte-cochere, convenient to kitchen leads to 4 car garage which has an extra door open to back yard for garage party moments. Master suite has spa bath w. skylights. Up is loft w. sitting & gameroom. + 3 Bedrooms + more.

代理物业提供者: Shirley Boulter Davis, REALTOR

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