Vicky Redrick
Redrick Realty & Associates
许可证编号: 0544917
电话: 469-223-0254
手机: 469-223-0254
传真: 972-692-0993
Desoto, Texas 75115
E 8924 Bluestem Court, Cleburne, 得克萨斯州 76033, 美国
开价: $775,000
每平方米售价: 2,686.64 $
状态: ACT
MLS#: 20570194
房地产类型: 住宅出售, 独户
面积: 3,105 平方英尺 (288.454 米2)
土地面积: 7.66 平方英尺 (0.71 米2)
  • 5 个卧室
  • 2个全套卫浴
  • 1个半套卫浴
  • 1 个餐厅
2015 建造年份:
死巷 地点:
小溪 滨水:
独立屋 房地产类型:
墙板 建筑:
墙板,木材 室外描述:
新建筑 屋况:
制冰机,洗碗机,微波炉,电炉灶,电烤箱 电器设备:
前门廊,环绕式门廊 ,侧门廊,后门廊,有顶门廊,有顶露台,停车棚,雨水排水沟 房地产特征:
木地板 地板:
窗帘 窗户:
水井,化粪池,固定公用事业费用 水电煤气:
电能 暖气系统:
中央,电能,吊扇 冷气系统:
宽带上网 电信:
不规则,房屋间隔土地,水池/池塘,经过园林美化,广阔的后院草坪,交叉护栏,人行道 地段描述:
谷仓/马厩 其它建筑/结构:
合成材料 屋顶材料:
护栏管 围栏:
停车位 / 车库
有棚停车场,旅行车/船只停泊区,休旅车停车位 停车类型:
休旅车车库,超大型,工作室/工作台区 车库描述:
2 车棚停车位数目:
独立车棚 停车棚说明:
Cleburne ISD 学区:
Gerard 小学:
Cleburne 高中:
Lowell Smith 中学:
Nestled on over 7.5 acres of secluded and private land, this property offers a picturesque blend of mature trees, tranquil ponds, and expansive pastoral views, fulfilling your homestead aspirations. With abundant space for gardening, raising livestock, and running your business, this custom-built 5-bedroom, 2-story home is a charming retreat. Upstairs you have two large bedrooms and a media room. Downstairs in their own wing you have two comfortable secondary bedrooms. In a separate wing is the spacious primary bedroom featuring a walk-in shower, a specialty men's lavatory, a separate whirlpool tub, and private outdoor access. The kitchen boasts a stunning copper farm sink, granite countertops, ample cabinetry, a breakfast bar peninsula, and a separate walk-in pantry room. A 2400 sqft sectioned barn accommodates cars, boats, RVs, business, and farm equipment, complete with a separate workshop area with electricity. Additionally, the property features a deep well for water supply.

代理物业提供者: Top Texas Realty

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