Vicky Redrick
Redrick Realty & Associates
许可证编号: 0544917
电话: 469-223-0254
手机: 469-223-0254
传真: 972-692-0993
Desoto, Texas 75115
2437 County Road 529, Burleson, 得克萨斯州 76028, 美国
开价: $1,498,000
每平方米售价: 4,742.45 $
状态: ACT
MLS#: 20595140
房地产类型: 住宅出售, 独户
面积: 3,400 平方英尺 (315.86 米2)
土地面积: 7.79 平方英尺 (0.72 米2)
  • 3 个卧室
  • 3个全套卫浴
  • 1 个餐厅
2023 建造年份:
独立屋 房地产类型:
传统风格 风格:
砖块 建筑:
转售 屋况:
洗碗机,厨余粉碎机 电器设备:
2 壁炉数:
车库 房地产特征:
公共用水 水电煤气:
有电缆 电信:
停车位 / 车库
3 车库车位数:
21 x 38 尺寸车库:
附带车库 车库描述:
Mansfield ISD 学区:
Anderson 小学:
Summit 高中:
Howard 中学:
THIS HOME HAS IT ALL !!! Almost 8 acres, Multiple Buildings, New House, Guest House and a New Huge Metal Shop with 4 roll up doors, electricity & water, amazing trees. Is located between major highways, providing easy access to shops & restaurants but allowing for peace & tranquility at home. This home was BEAUTIFULLY BUILT, with high end granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, top of the line sliding glass doors leading to the foyer (which includes a built in BAR), 12FT ceilings at the highest point, a walk in pantry, walk in laundry room with a sink, & 3 CAR GARAGE! Foundation was reinforced with 48 piers, Cedar wood pillars in the front and back, & 4,000PSI cement. Workshop has a bathroom! Mother in law suite comes with a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, & living room & is perfect for long term guests! This home was built with love, attention to detail, and top of the line materials and it's waiting for you! Don't miss out

代理物业提供者: Rico Realty

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