Vicky Redrick
Redrick Realty & Associates
许可证编号: 0544917
电话: 469-223-0254
手机: 469-223-0254
传真: 972-692-0993
Desoto, Texas 75115
10777 Strait Lane, Dallas, 得克萨斯州 75229, 美国
开价: $40,000,000
每平方米售价: 24,354.12 $
状态: ACT
MLS#: 20633047
房地产类型: 住宅出售, 独户
面积: 17,679 平方英尺 (1,642.379 米2)
土地面积: 3.3 平方英尺 (0.31 米2)
  • 6 个卧室
  • 7个全套卫浴
  • 4个半套卫浴
  • 2 个餐厅
1996 建造年份:
独立屋 房地产类型:
殖民地风格,传统风格 风格:
转售 屋况:
游泳池,凉亭小屋 休闲娱乐特色:
冰箱,内置式冰箱,制冰机,内置式冰酒器,洗碗机,对流式烤箱,双烤箱,温菜抽屉,厨余粉碎机 电器设备:
8 壁炉数:
圆材状燃管,石砌 壁炉描述:
电梯,有顶门廊,多座楼梯,车库,遮篷 房地产特征:
吧台,拱形天花板,镶板 室内描述:
大理石 地板:
窗帘 窗户:
防盗窗闩,消防洒水器,预接线路 安全特色:
自来水,污水下水道,独立燃气表,独立水表 水电煤气:
中央 暖气系统:
中央 冷气系统:
有电缆,宽带上网 电信:
街角地皮,经过园林美化 地段描述:
合成材料 屋顶材料:
砖墙 围栏:
停车位 / 车库
有棚停车场 停车类型:
4 车库车位数:
22 x 52 尺寸车库:
附带车库,高尔夫球车车库 车库描述:
3 车棚停车位数目:
环形车道 车道:
Dallas ISD 学区:
Withers 小学:
White 高中:
Walker 中学:
Stately elegance abounds at this 3.3 ac estate on prestigious Strait Ln featuring a Palladian Neoclassical home designed by Robbie Fusch. French limestone, imported marble, and hardwood floors reach soaring 14’ ceilings on both floors via Venetian plaster walls. Imported antique fireplaces, fixtures, and exotic materials adorn every room. A bar with a burled walnut coffered ceiling is adjacent to a vaulted brick wine cellar. Groin vaulted ceilings and a gothic hearth complete the kitchen and breakfast room. Upstairs, a movie theater inspired by a Parisian opera house includes a bar and seating for 22. A master suite fit for royalty includes 2 fireplaces, sitting room, his & her baths, sauna, and steam shower. This one of a kind property includes formal gardens designed by Harold Leidner which fall away to casual naturalistic spaces and a two-level pool. Additional features include luxurious guest suites, tennis court, exercise room, water features, putting green, and sculpture gardens.

代理物业提供者: Allie Beth Allman & Assoc.

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