$65 000 000
45 Hitchcock Lane, Washington, Dutchess, NY, 12545, USA
Numer MLS
Typ nieruchomości
Domy i lokale mieszkalne, Dom jednorodzinny
Powierzchnia gruntu
2 079 akrów (841 ha)
Liczba pokoi ogółem
Cena sprzedaży za m2
0 $
Zapamiętanie oferty
The Hitchcock Estate is an exceptional property in size, location and history. The property has 2078 acres intact since the first owner assembled it from 5 area farms in 1889. Located in the heart of Millbrook, NY it has remained undeveloped, shrouded in mystique, the subject of curiosity and imagination providing now and then a glimpse into its elegant and storied past. Beginning as a summer retreat from New York City, 1 1/2 hours' drive away, Millbrook has long been a destination for peaceful weekends and summer escapes. This vast estate has been in the hands of a single owner for the past 60 years with only 2 owners in between the first and last. It is rare and valuable and offers many different uses. It has been maintained and cared for through the years. For now it is farmed self-sufficiently with extensive hay fields providing hay for the cattle farm. The stone farm buildings, updated over the years, are the same ones built and used by the first owner from over a century ago. The 2078 acres of prime land is in a prime location, wooded and open with 2 large lakes (45 and 60 acres) and other ponds. The rectangular shape of the land has frontage on 4 roads. There are 2 major main houses. The restored main Mansion, on its own deed, is 14,706 sq ft designed by James E. Ware in the late 1800's and the guest house, called the Bungalow, is 10,000 sq ft, was designed by Addison Mizner in 1912. There is a stone Bowling Alley and a fanciful Gate House both built in Bavarian style, a 3 bedroom Cottage, a Carriage house with 2 apartments. 2 Farmhouses, Stable and Tennis pavilion. Altogether a complete and desirable many faceted domain.
Informacje szczegółowe
Rok budowy:
Styl domu:
Wiktoriański, Budynek wielopiętrowy
Opis nieruchomości z zewnątrz:
Studnia, szambo
System grzewczy:
na gorącą wodę, Olej opałowy
System chłodzenia:
Element(y) przyokienny(e)
Informacje o szkołach
Okręg Szkoły Średniej:
Szkoła podstawowa:
Alden Place Elementary School
Szkoła średnia:
Millbrook High School
Millbrook Middle School

Napisz do mnie

  • Heather Croner
  • Heather Croner Real Estate Sot
  • Tel: 845-677-9822