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The Immobel Translation Engine

Here at Immobel we power global real estate with two translation flows

Data translation that drives multi language SEO, plus listings search & display in foreign languages

Translation team

Experts with real estate expertise who
will translate any copy you need

Translation team

We don’t just
translate, we localize

Our expert translators all have deep knowledge of real estate terminology.

Working with the world’s largest real estate translation memory, our experts make sure that every Immobel translation makes perfect sense for the unique context of the industry, the client, and the use case.



Español EU


Português EU


Français (CA)









Tiếng Việt


中文 -繁體

中文 -简体

Translation quality

Translation quality matters

Real estate translation is not just about finding the right tone of voice, although that is important for brand consistency.

Misrepresenting listing information can be a legal liability for agents and brokers.

All Immobel translations are carried out by human industry experts, not by machine. Even our data translations are pulled from two decades of human translations, giving the benefits of expert translation, delivered in real time.

Clients get more accurate information, and the quality of listings data used for SEO is the same, regardless of the language.

If you can’t reach foreign language speakers, you can’t reach your market.

Foreign buyers are no longer confined to luxury and holiday home markets.

Digital workplaces and increased global labor mobility mean that more buyers in more markets are foreign language speakers.

Work-from-home culture has opened up new regions that were previously too remote for commuters. An increasing proportion of buyers in almost every developed country speaks a foreign language at home.

Foreign buyers continue to spend more, and are more likely to be cash buyers, compared with median local buyers.

In the US, Hispanic homeownership continue to grow faster than any other demographic.

Make buyers feel at home, and they’re more likely to buy one. Reach them in their own language.

Our translators will work on any real estate text, from a few words to long form copy

Send to translation

Every job is overseen by a dedicated translation project manager

Translation team

Detailed context notes are applied to ensure translations aren’t just literal matches, but fully make sense to the reader


Translations are reviewed in context by a second translator before being returned

We are not generalists.

Expertise matters. That’s why we focus exclusively on real estate,
and it shows in every job we do.

Franchise guidance

As you grow your franchise internationally, the content that you have built up over years in your home market will be a crucial resource for your new affiliates overseas.

Luxury property details

Luxury continues to be the sector with the most international or overseas activity. Show VIP clients that you care about their buying experience with professionally translated listings details.

Listing presentation packages

Target key client segments in your market with listings presentations that make them feel at home, while they’re buying one.

App or platform UI copy

We have decades of experience translating our own tools and third party or clien-built real estate applications. Make sure your users have the same experience, whatever language they use to access your UI.

Website Copy

From “About Me” to detailed brand-led content, our team of real estate expert translators can handle any real estate copy for public or privte audiences.

Data Translation:
How we deliver 20 years of expertise in real time

We import your listings

Map every term into the Immobel translation module

Perfect mapping of every data point ensures that we apply a previously supplied expert translation for every listing attribute

Any unknown or partially matched terms are sent for manual translation by our experts, and made available for future matching

We Create a 19 language version of your listings inventory

Your translated listings drives foreign language SEO, delivering new visitors to your site

Your listings are viewable and searchable by consumers in every supported language

We import listings in 19 languages, from over 60 countries


Terms are matched in the world’s largest translation memory for Real Estate


Perfect mapping ensures translation of every term with no data loss

Data in translation powers foreign langauge SEO

Search engines

Every data point is available for search and display in any digital asset

Translation team