This portfolio includes 320 ac at the NE corner of I-20 and Hwy 277 at I-20 exit 282 with two houses zoned HC and AO, 326 acres that spans between East Lake & West Lake Rd with Neas Rd at the southern boundary, and 2 tracts on the I-20 access road Stamford near Hardin-Simmons University. The best way to see what is included in this listing is to use to look up the Joseph M. Hantman Revocable Trust or go to to see individual listings with maps. Portfolio is subject to change based on contracts for individual parcels. APN included in the listing are 45208, 45326, 16343, 36826, 15187, 16386, 16470, 37226, 46592, 46840, 46846, 113732, 46959, 15306, 15426, 15781, 16146, 46203, 46312, 47943, 107467, 10677, 17421, 17422, 28795, 28926, 48305, 116076, 65122, 70433, 117120, 117121, 62953, 62954, 71554.