Vicky Redrick
Redrick Realty & Associates
许可证编号: 0544917
电话: 469-223-0254
手机: 469-223-0254
传真: 972-692-0993
Desoto, Texas 75115
1015 FM 1566, Greenville, 得克萨斯州 75401, 美国
开价: $1,110,000
每平方米售价: 5,007.52 $
状态: ACT
MLS#: 20437598
房地产类型: 住宅出售, 农场
面积: 2,386 平方英尺 (221.659 米2)
土地面积: 121 平方英尺 (11.24 米2)
  • 4 个卧室
  • 3个全套卫浴
  • 1 个餐厅
1995 建造年份:
农场/牧场住宅,独立屋 房地产类型:
水泥/砌块,砖块 建筑:
1 壁炉数:
无障碍设施 房地产特征:
有氧化粪池,公共用水 水电煤气:
停车位 / 车库
私有 车库描述:
2 车棚停车位数目:
环形车道 车道:
超过100英亩 土地面积:
Wolfe City ISD 学区:
Wolfecity 小学:
Wolfecity 高中:
Wolfecity 中学:
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 121 acres of prime recreational land with future residential development opportunities. Being within an hour of Dallas, TX, this property is close enough to get out for an evening deer-hunt and still make it home in time for dinner. The property is a perfect mix of open pasture, thick bottom land, and pasture with tree coverage. LOCATION: 1015 E FM 1566 Greenville, TX, 75401?~5 Miles to Greenville, TX?~40 Miles to Dallas, TX WATER: Three ponds scattered across the property. The biggest holding catfish, bass and perch. ?Horse creek runs south to north through the middle of the property with one wet weather creek running to the west perimeter. IMPROVEMENTS: There is a brick and mortar home on the property. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. This would make for a great hunting cabin or with a little TLC it could be a nice weekend getaway. UTILITIES: The house is connected to Co-Op Electricity, Water and an Aerobic Septic System.

代理物业提供者: Keller Williams Realty

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