Vicky Redrick
Redrick Realty & Associates
免許証番号: 0544917
電話: 469-223-0254
携帯電話: 469-223-0254
ファックス: 972-692-0993
Desoto, Texas 75115
1825 Stamford, Abilene, テキサス 79601, アメリカ
記載価格: $2,800,000
1m2当たり売値: 39,682.1 $
状態: ACT
MLS登録番号: 20300580
不動産タイプ: 土地 売買物件, 土地
敷地面積: 760 平方フィート (70.56 m2)
100エーカー以上 敷地面積:
Abilene ISD 学区:
Ortiz 小学校:
Abilene 高等学校:
Mann 中学校:
This portfolio includes 22.5 ac zoned GC at the SW corner of I-20 & Hwy 277 north of Belle's Chicken, 320 ac at the NE corner of I-20 and Hwy 277 at I-20 exit 282 with two houses zoned HC and AO, 326 acres that spans between East Lake & West Lake Rd with Neas Rd at the southern boundary, and 2 tracts on the I-20 access road Stamford near Hardin-Simmons University. The best way to see what is included in this listing is to use taylor-cad.org to look up the Joseph M. Hantman Revocable Trust or go to lots.barnetthill.com to see individual listings with maps. Portfolio is subject to change based on contracts for individual parcels. APN included in the listing are 16501, 18886, 58982, 62593, 62722, 63005, 55359, 55607, 125247, 45208, 45326, 47582, 16343, 36826, 15187, 16386, 16470, 37226, 46592, 46840, 46846, 113732, 46959, 15306, 15426, 15781, 16146, 46203, 46312, 47943, 107467, 10677, 17421, 17422, 28795, 28926, 48305, 116076, 65122, 70433, 117120, 117121, 62953, 62954, 71554

提出者: Barnett & Hill

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