Vicky Redrick
Redrick Realty & Associates
免許証番号: 0544917
電話: 469-223-0254
携帯電話: 469-223-0254
ファックス: 972-692-0993
Desoto, Texas 75115
1511 Jackson Street, Jacksonville, テキサス 75766, アメリカ
記載価格: $2,000,000
1m2当たり売値: 102,027.59 $
状態: ACT
MLS登録番号: 20352143
不動産タイプ: 事業/投資用 売買物件, ビジネス
面積: 211 平方フィート (19.602 m2)
敷地面積: 22.1 平方フィート (2.05 m2)
建物サイズ: 14,218 平方フィート (1,320.9 m2)
1989 建築年:
中古 状態:
身障者用設備 物件の特徴:
コンクリート 床:
公共水道、公共下水道 電気・ガス・水道設備:
コンクリートスラブ 地階と基礎の詳細:
メタル 屋根ふき材:
This 16.1-acre industrial-zoned land presents a rare opportunity for investors and developers to create their vision in a highly sought-after location. Nestled in the city of Jacksonville, this property benefits from excellent visibility and easy accessibility. The two Ingress;Egress points directly on Highway 69 ensure a steady flow of traffic and make it convenient to find their way to your business. The highlight of this property is the well-maintained church building, which stands as a testament to its quality. This versatile building can be easily adapted for a variety of purposes. The expansive level land that accompanies the property provides a blank canvas for future expansion and development. Spanning over 16 acres, this sizable parcel of land gives you ample space to bring your vision to life. Capture the attention of potential customers and clients with a premier address that sets you apart from the rest. This prime commercial property in Jacksonville holds immense potential

提出者: Staples Commercial Group, LLC

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