1st CAM, Realty
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Detalles de la propiedad
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teléfono: 214-324-1766
oficina inmobiliaria: 214-324-1766
fax: 469-287-4353
1606 Peavy Road, Ste 4 Dallas, Texas 75228-3680
Su mensaje:
County Line Road, Livingston, Texas 77351, EUA
Precio de lista: $924.985
Precio de venta por un metro cuadrado: 55.313,64 $
Posición: ACT
Nº de MLS: 20648082
Tipo de propiedad: Tierras/terrenos en venta , Tierras
Área del campo: 180 pies2 (16,72 m2)
Información sobre el terreno del lote
Mas de 100 acres Área del lote:
Información de escuela
Big Sandy ISD Distrito escolar:
Bigsandy Escuela Primaria:
Bigsandy Escuela Intermedia:
Bigsandy Escuela Superior:
This heavily forested property has many appealing aspects typical of land in the Big Thicket area. In between sandy ridges consisting of well-stocked planted pine are hammocks with native timber, clear springs and creeks including Little Hickory Creek and Woods Creek. The planted pine established in 2009 makes up about half of the acreage and is ready for a first thinning or could continue to grow a few more years. The native timber is a mixture of hardwoods and pine including chestnut oaks, cypress, sweetbay, and magnolias. Usable as a timber farm, hunting, recreation, cabin location, and investment. County road frontage with electricity along the road. Exactly ten miles to the Naskila Casino. Several Big Thicket National Preserve units in the area. Peaceful, rural location easily found and accessed. Portions of the property are in the floodplain. Areas with planted pine do not flood. Contact us about this unique East Texas property!

Presentada por: HomeLand Properties, Inc.

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