1st CAM, Realty
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teléfono: 214-324-1766
oficina inmobiliaria: 214-324-1766
fax: 469-287-4353
1606 Peavy Road, Ste 4 Dallas, Texas 75228-3680
Su mensaje:
926 CR-3211, Dodd City, Texas 75438, EUA
Precio de lista: $2.929.500
Precio de venta por un metro cuadrado: 113.021,06 $
Posición: ACT
Nº de MLS: 20617347
Tipo de propiedad: Tierras/terrenos en venta , Estancia/Hacienda
Área del campo: 279 pies2 (25,92 m2)
Detalles de la propiedad
Alcantarillado privado, Agua en cooperativa Servicios públicos:
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Información de escuela
Dodd City ISD Distrito escolar:
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Beautiful property that is located in a very prime area. This property has well established hay meadows for potential immediate income. Wildlife is very prevalent including Whitetail, hogs, and many other native species. This property could be turned in to a premier destination hunting mecca, with its timber and natural openings being dispersed almost perfectly. There are wet weather creeks and drainages, that could be designed to hold and draw waterfowl. There is an older home on the property that would serve as a weekend getaway or hunting camp along with a large pole barn that is perfect to store your equipment and toys. Located at the dead end of the county road, peace and tranquility are what this property offers.

Presentada por: Heritage Land Company, LLC

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