1st CAM, Realty
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Detalles de la propiedad
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teléfono: 214-324-1766
oficina inmobiliaria: 214-324-1766
fax: 469-287-4353
1606 Peavy Road, Ste 4 Dallas, Texas 75228-3680
Su mensaje:
1 Off N4220, Antlers, Oklahoma 74523, EUA
Precio de lista: $715.000
Precio de venta por un metro cuadrado: 29.600,75 $
Posición: ACT
Nº de MLS: 20767858
Tipo de propiedad: Tierras/terrenos en venta , Tierras
Área del campo: 260 pies2 (24,15 m2)
Información sobre el terreno del lote
Mas de 100 acres Área del lote:
Información de escuela
Oklahoma Distrito escolar:
Oklahoma Escuela Primaria:
Oklahoma Escuela Superior:
Oklahoma Escuela Secundaria:
Just north of Antlers, Oklahoma, the “Deer Capital of the World,” you will find 260 acres of incredible wildlife and recreational opportunity. This tract, is in the Kiamichi Mountain range and is in close proximity to the 19,247 acre Pushmataha WMA. This area is very well known for its abundance of unique wildlife. From some of the largest black bears in the country, an encapsulated herd of elk, turkeys, bobwhite quail, a healthy herd of white tails and so much more, your time in these woods could surprise you with something different every day! The rolling mountain range surrounding this tract is breathtaking. The property is comprised of both older growth pine and hardwoods mixed with pre-merchantable pine plantation, making it suitable for timber investment. The several mile views from the high elevation on this tract are just phenomenal. Approximately 150 miles from the DFW Metroplex, 55 miles from Broken Bow, and 180 miles from Oklahoma City. Don’t hesitate to reach out to learn more about this incredible tract of land.

Presentada por: HomeLand Properties, Inc.

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