1st CAM, Realty
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Detalles de la propiedad
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teléfono: 214-324-1766
oficina inmobiliaria: 214-324-1766
fax: 469-287-4353
1606 Peavy Road, Ste 4 Dallas, Texas 75228-3680
Su mensaje:
00001 CR 1527, Avinger, Texas 75630, EUA
Precio de lista: $89.817
Precio de venta por un metro cuadrado: 96.678,21 $
Posición: ACT
Nº de MLS: 20606516
Tipo de propiedad: Tierras/terrenos en venta , Tierras
Área del campo: 10 pies2 (0,93 m2)
Información sobre el terreno del lote
Propiedad residencial Ordenamiento territorial local:
Información de escuela
Avinger ISD Distrito escolar:
Avinger Escuela Primaria:
Avinger Escuela Superior:
Avinger Escuela Secundaria:
Looking for the perfect spot to build your dream home or invest in land with potential? This 10-acre parcel in the sought-after EAGLE LANDING subdivision is now available for sale. Situated near Simpson Lake in Avinger, Texas, this property offers a serene and picturesque setting for your future plans. Property ID: 35974 EAGLE LANDING BLK I LOT 7-C 10.0 AC 41590 - County Road 1527, Avinger, TX 75630. Across the street from 305 CR 1527 Avinger Texas. This 10-acre parcel of land offers a prime opportunity for those looking to build their dream home or invest in a picturesque piece of Texas countryside. With a tranquil setting near Simpson Lake and convenient access to County Road 1527, this property presents endless possibilities for development or recreational use. Evergreen Forest: 5.56ac (57.7%), Mixed Forest: 3.03ac (31.4%), Developed Open Space: 0.90ac (9.4%).

Presentada por: Cities

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