1st CAM, Realty
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Detalles de la propiedad
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teléfono: 214-324-1766
oficina inmobiliaria: 214-324-1766
fax: 469-287-4353
1606 Peavy Road, Ste 4 Dallas, Texas 75228-3680
Su mensaje:
FM 2118, Clarksville, Texas 75426, EUA
Precio de lista: $450.000
Precio de venta por un metro cuadrado: 47.958,02 $
Posición: ACT
Nº de MLS: 20559854
Tipo de propiedad: Tierras/terrenos en venta , Estancia/Hacienda
Área del campo: 101 pies2 (9,38 m2)
Detalles de la propiedad
Agua en cooperativa Servicios públicos:
Información sobre el terreno del lote
Mas de 100 acres Área del lote:
Información de escuela
Clarksville ISD Distrito escolar:
Clarksvill Escuela Primaria:
Clarksvill Escuela Superior:
Cheatham Escuela Secundaria:
Located in the serene landscapes of Red River County near Clarksville, Texas, this expansive 100+- acre property presents a perfect blend of hunting and recreational opportunities, enriched with the natural beauty of dense pine timber trees and lush hardwoods. The land boasts an impressive expanse of about 20+- acres of open pasture land, providing an ideal setting for grazing or potential agricultural projects. The diverse ecosystem supports an abundant wildlife population, making it a haven for hunting enthusiasts or those seeking a peaceful retreat into nature. With its stunning array of greenery, this property not only offers a tranquil escape but also holds potential for timber management, offering a sustainable investment opportunity. Whether you're drawn by the call of the wild, the promise of leisurely days spent in natural splendor, or the prospect of cultivating the land, this property in the heart of East Texas is a rare find.

Presentada por: United Country Altaterra Realt

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