TAC Brokerage & Consultant LLC
Carole Tam
TAC Brokerage & Consultant LLC
许可证编号: 0637889
电话: +1 (469) 999
手机: 8746 (4699998746) (469) 999-8746
办事处: 469 (999) 8746

1060 W. Campbell Rd Suite # 200
Richardson, TX 75081, US
6307a Plainview Road, Sherman, 得克萨斯州 75092, 美国
开价: $900,000
每平方米售价: 4,387.46 $
状态: ACT
MLS#: 20572361
房地产类型: 住宅出售, 预制房
面积: 2,208 平方英尺 (205.123 米2)
土地面积: 40 平方英尺 (3.72 米2)
  • 3 个卧室
  • 2个全套卫浴
  • 2 个餐厅
2018 建造年份:
洗碗机 电器设备:
水井,化粪池 水电煤气:
水池/池塘,牧场 地段描述:
1 水井数量:
S and S Cons ISD 学区:
S And S 小学:
S And S 高中:
S And S 中学:
INCREDIBLE investment opportunity. This land will continue to go up, up up in value.40+ outstanding *fully fenced* acres with two ponds (tanks), private well, pasture, trees and abundant wildlife. Run, don't walk, to this dreamy piece of Texoma. Ideally located in the country with very close proximity to new resorts coming to Pottsboro, Lake Texoma, TI in Sherman, Denison and possible tollway route. This hard-to-find property is the perfect location for a new home, development or investment. Property includes a beautiful freshly painted 2018 home complete with open split floorplan, 3 bedrooms and butler's pantry. HUGE kitchen island overlooks large living room. Natural light is abundant. Two spacious decks are perfect for morning coffee and evening sunsets. Huge island and spacious kitchen is fantastic for entertaining. Wildlife is abundant; frequent visits include trophy deer, bobcats, wild turkeys, hogs and raccoons.

代理物业提供者: Ironsmith Realty, LLC

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