TAC Brokerage & Consultant LLC
Carole Tam
TAC Brokerage & Consultant LLC
许可证编号: 0637889
电话: +1 (469) 999
手机: 8746 (4699998746) (469) 999-8746
办事处: 469 (999) 8746

1060 W. Campbell Rd Suite # 200
Richardson, TX 75081, US
800 Bentbrook Lane, Sherman, 得克萨斯州 75092, 美国
开价: $1,600,000
每平方米售价: 2,166.59 $
状态: ACT
MLS#: 20561783
房地产类型: 住宅出售, 独户
面积: 7,949 平方英尺 (738.462 米2)
土地面积: 5.05 平方英尺 (0.47 米2)
  • 5 个卧室
  • 4个全套卫浴
  • 2个半套卫浴
  • 2 个餐厅
2000 建造年份:
独立屋 房地产类型:
传统风格 风格:
砖块,岩块/石头 建筑:
转售 屋况:
游泳池,凉亭小屋 休闲娱乐特色:
内置式冰箱,制冰机,洗碗机,微波炉,燃气炉灶,对流式烤箱,双烤箱,厨余粉碎机 电器设备:
加热 游泳池描述:
3 壁炉数:
燃木式 壁炉描述:
有顶门廊,有顶露台,水景,车库,雨水排水沟 房地产特征:
吧台 室内描述:
地毯,瓷砖,石板,木地板 地板:
窗帘,木质百叶窗 窗户:
防盗窗闩 安全特色:
自来水,污水下水道,独立燃气表,独立水表 水电煤气:
中央,已完成都市区域划分,天然气 暖气系统:
中央,已完成都市区域划分,电能 冷气系统:
有电缆,宽带上网 电信:
街角地皮,广阔的后院草坪 地段描述:
混凝土板 地下室和地基详情:
合成材料 屋顶材料:
木地板 围栏:
停车位 / 车库
门控停车场,有棚停车场 停车类型:
4 车库车位数:
附带车库,超大型,自动车库门遥控器 车库描述:
2 车棚停车位数目:
与房屋相连车棚 停车棚说明:
S and S Cons ISD 学区:
S And S 小学:
S And S 高中:
S And S 中学:
This 5-ACRE Sherman estate has it all and more! Immaculate pool area, outdoor kitchen, multiple sport courts, mature trees, a private creek, and a gorgeous 8,400-sq-ft home at the center of it all! There will never be a dull moment for you and your guests! Upon entry, the soaring entry with spiral staircase and rich wood floors immediately makes a striking impression. The first floor offers numerous welcoming living areas, perfect for hosting those closest to you. The primary living area is highlighted by exposed beams, floor-to-ceiling stone fireplace, and scenic views of the pool area. For more entertaining space, take the party upstairs to the massive game room and media room! Kitchen is outfitted with a double oven, oversized gas range, and a butler’s pantry. Enjoy the approaching summer months from the expansive pool area with attached hot tub, water feature, outdoor kitchen, 2 covered patios and fireplace. The fenced yard offers a pet-friendly space, plus a park-like area beyond!

代理物业提供者: Market Experts Realty

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