TAC Brokerage & Consultant LLC
Carole Tam
TAC Brokerage & Consultant LLC
许可证编号: 0637889
电话: +1 (469) 999
手机: 8746 (4699998746) (469) 999-8746
办事处: 469 (999) 8746

1060 W. Campbell Rd Suite # 200
Richardson, TX 75081, US
10033 Crestridge Court, Whitney, 得克萨斯州 76692, 美国
开价: $1,250,000
每平方米售价: 4,604.68 $
状态: ACT
MLS#: 20618158
房地产类型: 住宅出售, 独户
面积: 2,922 平方英尺 (271.454 米2)
土地面积: 0.58 平方英尺 (0.05 米2)
  • 5 个卧室
  • 4个全套卫浴
  • 2 个餐厅
2007 建造年份:
水/湖景 景观描述:
滨水,死巷 地点:
湖泊 滨水:
社区码头 划船活动特色:
湖畔屋 房地产类型:
传统风格 风格:
岩块/石头,墙板 建筑:
墙板 室外描述:
转售 屋况:
烧烤炉 休闲娱乐特色:
慢跑/脚踏车小径 区域设施:
冰箱,内置式冰箱,制冰机,洗碗机,微波炉,双烤箱,厨余粉碎机 电器设备:
3 壁炉数:
燃木式,圆材状燃管,石砌 壁炉描述:
前门廊,侧门廊,后门廊,有顶门廊,平台,有顶露台,露台,露台,阳台,阁楼,多座楼梯,遮篷,雨水排水沟 房地产特征:
拱形天花板 室内描述:
地毯,混凝土,木地板 地板:
凸窗,窗帘 窗户:
防盗窗闩 安全特色:
自来水,污水下水道,独立燃气表 水电煤气:
中央,已完成都市区域划分,天然气 暖气系统:
中央,已完成都市区域划分,电能,吊扇 冷气系统:
有电缆,宽带上网 电信:
不规则,房屋间隔土地,经过园林美化 地段描述:
金属 屋顶材料:
水疗,桑拿,高尔夫球场,绿化带,公园,游乐场,俱乐部会所,入口设有门卫,码头,船用斜坡道 协会/社区特点描述:
石灰岩 土壤类形:
Whitney ISD 学区:
Whitney 小学:
Whitney 高中:
Whitney 中学:
Nestled atop a bluff overlooking the tranquil waters of Lake Whitney, lies a picturesque dwelling reminiscent of the charming homesteads near Fredericksburg. Featured in numerous esteemed magazines, this unique abode stands as a testament to architectural ingenuity and luxury modern living. Expansive family room adorned with soaring ceilings, timber posts and rustic beams w an impressive array of windows offering panoramic views of the lake. Sprawling deck offers the perfect vantage point for admiring spectacular sunsets while another patio provides al fresco dining and outdoor cooking. Master suite replete w a lavish bath and glass doors opening to a private patio w stone fireplace. Well-appointed kitchen boasting high-end appliances and ample room for entertaining. Outside, a serene side yard beckons with a stunning limestone fireplace w cedar arbor and a spacious patio adorned w Adirondack chairs. Idyllic retreat for discerning homeowners seeking tranquility amidst natural beauty.

代理物业提供者: Rogers Healy and Associates

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