CAMDEN, S.C., July 16, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ --
Immobel, (, a
technology company that expertly translates online real estate listings into
thirteen languages, today announced the launch of the International IDX
Alliance, an online exchange for real estate professionals worldwide to share
and market each others' properties. The Alliance -- which seizes
opportunities presented by an increasingly global real estate market fueled by
the Internet, a weak U.S. Dollar and the growing demand for second homes --
launched with two major American REALTOR(R) associations representing over
14,000 real estate professionals and French FNAIM, which represents over 1,700
estate agents in Paris and surrounding areas. Alliance membership is open to
real estate associations, MLS organizations, brokers and agents. More
information can be found at the Alliance website,
"The concept of IDX, (Internet Data Exchange) was conceived nearly a
decade ago to help American REALTORS(R) work together to generate more
business by sharing property listings online and we're taking that proven
concept to the global marketplace," said Janet Choynowski, CEO of Immobel and
executive director of the International IDX Alliance. "Whether you're a
listing broker in Scottsdale that wants to market to German buyers or a French
agent trying to help an executive relocate to Japan, sharing listings globally
just makes sense."
Alliance participation is straightforward:
-- Members provide Immobel with a feed of their listings, which are then
translated into thirteen languages using Immobel's proprietary system, which
combines technology with human translators
-- Translated listings are then fed into the Alliance listing exchange
-- Alliance members may then pick the international listings they wish to
display on their Website, in the native language. For example, an agency in
Paris may choose to display properties from Miami, Florida -- in French --
while an American broker may in turn elect to display French listings on their
Website, in English. Contact information is only to the displaying party, no
matter where the listing originated.
"In the Florida market, over 65% of Realtors(R) made sales to
International buyers last year," said Teresa King Kinney, CEO of the
REALTOR(R) Association of Greater Miami and the Beaches, a founding Alliance
member. "We have worked with Immobel to translate our listings for more than
seven years and now the International IDX Alliance puts our members' listings
in the hands of professionals worldwide who can deliver qualified buyers.
Likewise, by showing foreign listings to domestic buyers, our members have a
new opportunity for outbound referrals. The decision for us to participate
was an easy one to make -- it's just good business."
"The weak U.S. Dollar has created intense interest in American properties,
and the International IDX Alliance enables us to leverage that," said Gilles
Ricour de Bourgies, President of FNAIM, France. "Our members benefit from
marketing International properties to their French clients, and of course, we
are now able to market French properties internationally more effectively than
ever before, in thirteen languages."
Immobel, founded in 1998, serves over 500,000 American real estate
professionals with its listing translation service and products. The company
works directly with REALTOR(R) associations, MLSs and brokers using their
existing feed of listings. The company also maintains the largest
International search portal of Realtor(R) listings, with over a million
listings in the United States, each searchable in thirteen languages.
Concludes Choynowski, "Although most Realtors(R) would like to reach out
to international buyers, it has been difficult and expensive to mount a global
marketing campaign until now. For just a few dollars per month, Realtors(R)
can effectively leverage the Immobel portal and have their listings actively
marketed by thousands of fellow Alliance members interested in co-broking a
About the International IDX Alliance and Immobel
The International IDX Alliance Foundation promotes the international trade
in real estate through qualified real estate professionals. Immobel, the
leading translator of online real estate listings, was founded ten years ago
by Janet Choynowski, an American citizen who built a successful real estate
brokerage business in Poland at the end of the Cold War. Over 60 MLS
organizations and REALTOR(R) Associations use Immobel's translation service.
SOURCE Immobel
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